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Java is object oriented programming language currently maintained by Oracle Inc. Java Language include abstraction, polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance. Java is a high level language.James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton initiated the Java language project in June 1991.The language was initially called Oak. Sun Micro systems released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in 1995.

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Java Program to Implement Hash Tables in Java


This is a Java Program to implement hash tables.A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets or slots, from which the correct value can be found.... view more

java hash table

Java demo   ankur009 2015-04-29

Java Program to Traverse a Graph using BFS in Java


Java program, to perform the bfs traversal of a given graph in the form of the adjacency matrix.It gives breath first search traversal output in the matrix for given data.... view more

Traverse a graph

Java demo   ankur009 2015-04-29

Calculator in Java


This program represents source code in core java for making calculator.User give input as two numbers and give choice among multiplication, addition, subtraction and division.Program gives output as per input.... view more

java, calculator

Java demo   1hardik 2015-12-14

Ascending order in Java


This program takes input from the user and arranges input in ascending order and gives as output. User have to specify how many number he wants to insert at starting.... view more

java, ascending order

Java demo   1hardik 2015-12-14

Fibonacci series in Java


This program shows fibonacci series . User gives input as how many numbers he wants in the fibonacci series. Program gives desired output. ... view more

java, fibonacci series

Java demo   1hardik 2015-12-14

Palindrom for number and string in Java


This program takes input from user as a number or string. Output shows whether it is palindrom or not.... view more

java, palindrom

Java demo   1hardik 2015-12-14

Prime number in Java


This program takes range of numbers as input from user.  The output shows the prime numbers between that range.... view more

java, prime number

Java demo   1hardik 2015-12-14

Reverse String in Java


This program takes one string as input from user. After running program user gets the reverse string as the output.... view more

java, ReverseString

Java demo   1hardik 2015-12-14

Search occurance of word from string in Java


This program takes string and a specific word from user as input. Program gives number of occurrence of that word in string as output. ... view more

java, Search occurance of word from string

Java demo   1hardik 2015-12-14

Armstrong number in C in Java


This program give output as armstrong numbers between 0 10 1000.                               ... view more

c, Armstrong number in C

Java demo   1hardik 2015-12-14

Hotel boking in Java


booking room in hotel h hkekh i ugighh, s 8hgoiksfg sgf07n  e4t9hdgrklng 074wtkgt0y lgrhdri;h fhkjgh456 6598555fghhye hy276..gjudghjhgiufkjgih fgzgxgfhxzfghzfg... view more


Java demo   akash1000 2017-06-09